Shifa al Jazeera Medical Group is a leading healthcare conglomerate that provides evidence-based healthcare services through various specialized clinics around GCC. It engages in the provision of general medical services and management of medical clinics in the Gulf countries. Dr. KT Mohammed Rabeeh Rabeeulla is the Chairman and Managing Director of Shifa Al Jazeera Medical Group.
Shifa al Jazeera Medical Group has been a beacon of light for the suffering for over 30 years. Shifa Medical Group is the pioneers of starting medical clinics in the GCC for expatriates and natives, especially the low income group.
Shifa al Jazeera Medical Group is the pioneer of integrated healthcare delivery in GCC which owns and operates a network of hospitals, medical clinics and dental centres throughout the Gulf countries, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Kuwait and is all poised to become the most successful healthcare suppliers in the region.
The medical group has been providing excellent medical care and the Group has witnessed unprecedented growth since beginning and yearned commendable popularity in health service in the region.
Shifa Al Jazeera group has the largest healthcare development plans in the Gulf. The Group has started Shifa al Jazeera Medical Company in Oman and is planning to pump 100 million Omani Riyal for setting up of 13 medical centres there.
Shifa Al-Jazeera has continued to invest in state-of-the-art medical technology. The medical team is devoted and well trained with expertise in different streams of medical care from world class universities and hospitals. They hail from Middle East, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other parts of Asia and include full-fledged paramedical staffs who are multi-linguistic. The Centres provides excellent healthcare and treatment round the clock with an affordable price without compromising on treatment. Shifa provides centres of excellence in clinical quality and patient safety.
Shifa Al Jazeera today offers the services of more than 4,000 personnel, including 700 doctors. More than 35,000 people are getting the services of the Shifa polyclinics every day. The expertise and skill of doctors and paramedics from different countries remains the bedrock of the Shifa clinics in the Gulf region.