
Dr. Mohammed Aslam Memon


General Physician

Dr. Aslam Memon has been with Shifa Al Jazeera as a full-time General Physician since its inception June 2004.

After completing his MBBS, he joined Habib Medical Centre, Karachi as RMO in the Pediatric unit for one year. Later he worked with Ashraf Memmorial Hospital and Maternity Home, Karachi for two years.

Then he moved to Saudi Arabia and worked as General Practitioner there untill 2004. He worked with Badarudeen Polyclinic Anakish, Jeddah, Badarudeen Polyclinic Bawadi, Shifa al Rabeeh Jeddah, Badar al Tamam Poly Clinic Jeddah, and worked as Medical Director in Safa Al Bawadi Jeddah.

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